“For if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly execute justice one with another, if you do not oppress the sojourner, the fatherless, or the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not go after other gods to your own harm, then I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave of old to your fathers forever.” (Jeremiah 7:5-7, ESV)



Vehicle Show

We visited the BAE Diveresified Motor Vehicle show back in June. It was a very interesting hodgepodge of vehicles. We had thought the kids would love seeing all the interesting vehicles, but they were acting like it was torture and boring, so we brought them to the Discovery Museum later.

The above vehicle is the replacement for the hummer and it certainly looks like it will provide better protection compared to the hummer.

You think I can submit this photo to the auto magazines? The housewife pushing a stroller in front of the exotic car is bound to sell subscriptions. wink Click here to see all the photos in the gallery


Moma Lynn’s Visit Part 1

Nana Lynn visited for a short time and it was a good visit. There was plenty of relaxing and just enjoying the days and then there was the days of going places and seeing things.

We literally stopped and smelled the Roses, I highly recommend doing this every once in a while. wink

I am so rarely in the photos, so in case you forgot what I look like, there I am with my children.

We strolled along the beach in Carmel where the kids chased the waves and were chased by the waves. And like each day, they eventually wanted to be carried. I sure would like someone would carry me! Click here to see the entire gallery

There are some more photos from our visit to San Francisco that for some reason I have overlooked. I’ll try to post them later. There is also video that I will need to transfer to the computer and post later.



Matthew’s Trombone Request

Matthew has requested a trombone several times. This latest occurrence happened over the cell phone; I often play my trumpet during breaks at work. I had finished playing and called Jenn, who hands the phone over Matthew who wanted to talk to me.

Matthew: What are you doing daddy?

Me: I was playing my trumpet.

Matthew: I want a trombone.

Me: You are too small for a trombone. You need to wait until you get bigger. A trombone is too big for you.

Matthew: I want a small trombone, like on Jack’s Music Show. They have small trombones.

Me: Those are just pretend trombones for fun. They don’t actually play.

Matthew: Trombones are actually made of dirt. Somehow, trombones come from dirt.

Then suddenly a busy signal. I try to call back but Matthew doesn’t answer. Later, Jenn mentions that Matthew couldn’t figure out how to answer the phone when I called back, but he continued to talk as if he was talking to me.

Matthew: I’m sorry daddy. I was waiting for you and I love you and I forgive you.

It sure is wonderful to be forgiven. smile


Fourth of July Fireworks

We went to the San Jose fireworks this year. We parked perhaps 1 mile away and walked until we were in front of the Municipal Stadium and surrounded by people. When the fireworks started we could see the spot they were being launched: across the street, over a fence and in the back of the Stadium, perhaps 1/2 a block from where we stood.

Last year Matthew missed the Fireworks, this year he was exuberant. Take a look at the videos. He’s standing a little funny because he’s was sitting on a parking cone. I had to adjust the light level in the video processing program, so it’s a little grainy, but notice where Matthew says, “I love the whole world”. Wow, if only we can all just get a little dose of them fireworks every day, the world would be a better place. wink

If you have a high speed connection, the high quality videos are available for viewing at the link below.
Click here to go to the Video gallery, or play them below.

Matthew and the Fireworks

Part of the Finale


Emerald Regime Alumni Marching Band 2009

I marched with the Live Oak Emerald Regime Alumni Marching Band in the Morgan Hill 4th of July Parade this year. We won 1st place for Adult Band, which is encouraging, but it was more rewarding to see old friends and catch up with each other a bit. We hung out after practices chatting and having fun. My friend Dan Hirschler visited from Rippon, CA and even stayed a couple nights at my place. One of the trumpet players, Ernie Molina, visited from Washington D.C. where he’s a now an immigration attorney for the government. And there were many other stories from old friends.

But let’s get serious for a second, it’s all about the music! wink I do wish we played a few more songs, and there are plans for more songs to be added to the repertoire next year. Meanwhile, watch a few of the videos and pump up the volume—-marching band music is meant to be loud!

If you have a high speed connection, the high quality videos are available for viewing at the link below.
Click here to go to the SmugMug gallery for these videos

Stars and Stripes Forever

My Way


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