“Some Christians who do know Christ are in great doubt as to whether they know him. This ought not to be. It is too solemn a matter to be left to chance or conjecture. I believe there are saved ones who do not know of a surety that they are saved. They are raising the question often that never ought to be a question. No man ought to be content to leave that unsettled, for mark thee, my hearer, if thou art not a saved man, thou art a condemned man. If thou art not forgiven, thy sins lie on thee. Thou art now in danger of hell if thou art not now secure of heaven, for there is no place between these two. Thou art either a child of God, or not. Why say ye, ??I hope I am a child of God, yet I do not know; I hope, yet not know that I am forgiven??? In such suspense ye ought not to be. Thou art either one or the other ? either a saint or a sinner, either saved or lost, either walking in the light or walking in the dark.” Charles Spurgeon



Poking Fun of English

Here’s a clever and fun commentary and lesson on the english language.