“For if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly execute justice one with another, if you do not oppress the sojourner, the fatherless, or the widow, or shed innocent blood in this place, and if you do not go after other gods to your own harm, then I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave of old to your fathers forever.” (Jeremiah 7:5-7, ESV)

Bee Removal From Our Roof

The bees were living in our roof for several years. They entered and exited through the eve of the roof. The location of the hive was above our heads in our master bedroom. Ocassionally it would be difficult to fall asleep because we could hear the bees buzzing around in the ceiling. Usually the activity was worse in the summer, so we could comfortably turn on the ceiling fan to drown out the sound of the bees.

However, recently, they had somehow created a hole in the ceiling and began flying into our bedroom. I temporarily plugged the hole with expandable foam sealant. But this was the tipping point that prompted me to call Abe Rodriguez, a local bee removal expert, to remove the bees.

This video shows the process of removal from the roof. They opened the roof, sucked up the bees into a holding container, removeed the hive, cleaned-up the remains and sprayed to prevent bees from returning, filled the space with insulation to further prevent bees from taking recidence here, and then replaced the roof. They did a great job and you could hardly tell the the roof was ever opened in the first place.

The hive was well established and an estimated 30lbs of honey and honeycomb and ~50,000 bees.