“In the media today, the Christian media, there’s too much triffling with God, too much slapstick, too much triviality. There aren’t enough tears. There isn’t enough seriousness. The Joy has a light silly flavor to it. Not the kind of flavor that out to be there when you have suffered and died with Jesus. We ought to be calling the world to a kind of joy which has tears on it’s face and can walk through dark valleys. Instead of trying to sound like the silly banter of primetime, drive time, world.”
John Piper, “Looking at the Kindness and Severity of God 2


Matthew and Claire Dancing

Matthew and Claire got down and funky on the dance floor. For the first time ever, the video camera failed to capture sound; of course, it would have to happen during a wedding. Matthew and Claire were dancing to “She’s a Brick House” by the Commodore’s, so I put the original recording in the backround; what you don’t hear is everyone in the backround cheering them on. We didn’t teach Matthew any of the following moves, they are all inventions of his own. Claire plays the role of back up dancer, running large circles, moving her arms to the music. Later, Matthew paid the price from all his hard dancing with aching feet. Let’s just say that he’s not eager to get dress up in a Tux anytime soon.


Clos La Chance Fountain

My brother’s wedding on Saturday was a very elegant event at the Clos La Chance winery. Matthew and Claire were dressed for the occasion. I didn’t take any photos of the event because there were already two photographers buzzing around; for once I wanted to be in the photos instead of behind a camera. The photographers photos will be ready in 30 days or more, so much patience is needed to endure the waiting period. Meanwhile, here’s some video of Matthew and Claire playing at a fountain. We pulled them away shortly after this video was taken because their outfits were quickly becoming wet.