“As Christians we are not only to know the right world view, the world view that tells us the truth of what is, but consciously to act upon that world view so as to influence society in all its parts and facets across the whole spectrum of life, as much as we can to the extent of our individual and collective ability” Francis Schaeffer


Second Child on the Way!

Jenn is in her first trimester. It was a little scary at first because we actually thought she was having a miscarriage. She had all the signs of a miscarriage and the doctor brought her in expecting that this was the case.

Earlier that morning I was in submission to God. Altough I couldn’t understand why he would allow a miscarriage, I had no choice but to accept what God gives us. Boy were we suprised when she came back with ultrasound pictures showing a the fetus at 3 weeks old, with a heart beating! It was a short time from submission to praise.

This experience really helped me understand how easy it can be for some people to discount the life of an embryo. At 3 weeks, we have no emotional connection and it doesn’t really feel like there’s a baby in the womb. I was sad, but I wasn’t broken like a father who lost a small child. It is hard to feel love for the life of an embryo. Our society has shown us by example with abortions and embrionic stem cell research such an easy decision. But the truth is, human life exists in an embryo, it just needs nurishment, protection and time to grow. Just like me and you.

Please pray for us and the health of our baby.


Matthew’s Diaperless Poop

What is diaperless poop? Well read the story and learn about this unique phenomena.

Matthew had stepped out of the shower and was walking around naked. Jenn was also stepping out and drying off when Matthew started saying “Moma Moma” and reached out to hand her something. It was a big round peice of poopy, which was more like a colony of small poopies all bunched together. And there were other poopies that he thoughtfully put on the wet wipe bag. So that was easy clean up for Jenn.


Matthew Learns to Catch Flies

As strange as it sounds, our son has aquired a skill treasured by the Chinese. You might have seen the characters in the Karate Kid movie trying to catch flies with chopsticks as a test of agility and mastery. Matthew didn’t use chop sticks, but he did use his bare hands!

Jenn called me just as I arrived at work to tell me that our son has caught a fly.  big surprise Apparently he was following it around the house for a while. Jenn had told him not to touch it because it’s dirty. Of course, Matthew couldn’t resist to follow this fly on it’s journey around the house. The fly landed somewhere, giving Matthew enough time to walk up and grab it. I was waiting to hear that he had put it in his mouth like our dog Sayrah. Thankfully, our courteous little boy kindly turned and handed it to Jenn.

Oh the suprises of parenthood!  LOL


Vegetable-Industrial Complex

I’ve started reading an excellent book called “Omnivours Dilema” by Michael Pollen. He traces the history and path of several common foods.

He recently wrote an article that appeared in New York times that talks about the problems with our industrialized and centralized agriculture and the further complifications of regulations. Vegetable-Industrial Complex


Global Warming vs. Abortion

I usually try to prioritize the hot issues in politics when I’m choosing a candidate. Abortion being the most important since it is directly linked to a huge number of human lives that are destroyed every day. However, with global warming becoming a threat to the entire planet and every human life, the priority might shift to be higher than abortion.

Historically, the Republicans have been pro-life, but they are also pro-corporations. Corporations have resisted legislation that reduce green house emissions The Bush Administration is also responsible for pulling out of the Kyoto protocol and putting the U.S. farther behind in efforts to cut green house gas emissions. So should pro-lifers like me give up their position and leave the Republican party in order to go after a more important, life-saving issue of global warming? Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of a few Republicans that have bucked the Republican trend and signed in one of the largest initiatives in the U.S. to cut green house gasses in California. If the Republican party doesn’t follow Arnold’s lead, and the Democrats promise more regulaion of green house gases, I might seriously consider hoping the party line.

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